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How can I reserve a book online? Are there any restrictions?
When you search our library database online and find the book you want to borrow is “available”, you can click “Online Reservation” to submit a request. You need to select a library that is most convenient for you to pick up the book, and the system will notify you after the book has arrived. You can also access your personal account from the library website to check the current status of the reservation. Online reservation is not applicable to periodicals, audio visual materials, restricted library materials and materials for the visually impaired. For detailed explanation regarding how to use the online reservation function, you can access the Kaohsiung City Library homepage and click “Collection Search” under top menu.

P.S. How to reserve a book online:
1. Access the library database from the library homepage and enter the name of the book you want to search and click “Search”.
2. A list of books is displayed. Click the book that you want to borrow.
3. Detailed information regarding the selected book is displayed such as current status.
4. Select “Online Reservation”
5. Only library card holders can use the online reservation function. You will be asked whether or not you want to log-in. Confirm your selection.
6. Enter your library card number and password (date of birth in ROC Year format) and click “Log-in”.
7. Select the district and branch library where you want to pick up the book and choose “Confirm Online Reservation”. Enter phone number or email address. The phone number and email address you used when applying the library card will be displayed here. Make changes if necessary and click “Confirm Online Reservation”.
8. Online reservation is complete.
Updated2017-12-27 PM 08:40:59