- 若你現在陳情案件屬分館可以立即處理,建議撥打分館電話(另開新視窗)。
- 請儘量以一件mail反映一件事情(或單一館別),以利案件處理,若有二件以上事情(或二個館以上),請分別發送。
- 建議事項請求簡潔、明確,並以真實案件為限,本系統不受理非理性情緒發洩、漫罵及惡意檢舉之案件。
- 若您的建議和陳情,若屬無關圖書業務、重複性問題或陳情人資料不實,本館將不予回覆。
- 案件確定成立後,原則上辦理期限為七個工作天(不含週六、週日及 例假日),辦理機關得依案情複雜程度辦理展期。
- 為避免造成非必要糾紛,請務必留下真實姓名及連絡電話,若經查證所留資料並非屬實,辦理機關得不予處理。
- 請您於投書時提供正確之E-MAIL帳號、電話、姓名,俾系統自動回覆您信件收件編號及回覆內容亦將以E-MAIL的方式傳送給您。
Dear Readers,
To provide better services, the Kaohsiung Public Library (KPL) has set up an official email service where visitors may submit their suggestions and inquiries. We will do our best to respond to your email as soon as possible. Thank you for your feedback!
- Please submit one feedback or inquiry (for one library) at a time so we can respond to your email more effectively. If you would like to report two or more different issues (pertaining to more than one library), please submit your inquiries separately.
- Please submit your feedback in a concise, clear, and truthful manner. Emotional complaints containing foul words or malicious intent will not be accepted.
- We will not respond to any repeated feedback or suggestions unrelated to library operations or with false personal information.
- In principle, a case will be handled in seven working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and regular holidays) after it has been established. Depending on the case's complexity, the response time may be delayed.
- Please enter your real name and contact number alongside your feedback to avoid unnecessary disputes. We will not be handling issues that are submitted using false personal information.
- When submitting your feedback, please provide a valid email address, telephone number, and name. The system will automatically send a reply with a case number to your email account.