In assisting the new Kaohsiung Main Public Library, the first municipal library, the City has built in the last twenty years. The Kaohsiung City Cultural Foundation particularly initiated a book drive called“One Million Books by Donation; Love and Wisdom Passed on for Generations” for its million book collection plan, as the Foundation hoped the new Main Library could house a collection of one million books. The project requested funding for book acquisition from various walks of life and, in particular, designed a donation wall of honor in the third floor lobby in order to “light the lamp of knowledge.” This allows various businesses to repay society and have their names posted on the wall. The wall of honor is in the shape of a tree, signifying the power of the people in growing and watering a “tree of knowledge” which will allow knowledge to take root and thrive in Kaohsiung. The names of donors on the roots, branches and leaves are permanent, so this tree of knowledge must continue to grow. The tree will be handed down to future generations in the Asia New Bay Area along with the new library and scholarly knowledge.
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- Updated2022-05-26 PM 02:46:17