How to obtain an account and password for accessing the “Cloud Library”? How to apply for a library card? Can users without a Kaohsiung address apply for a library card? Are there any limitations?
An account number (library card or ID number) and password (6 or 7-digit birth date in ROC Year format) are required for access. Please appl..<More>
I have two books due today but I want to renew. Can I renew them online by myself?
Overdue materials cannot be renewed. Renewal is only possible if no other person is on the wait list seven days before due date. You can log..<More>
How can I reserve a book online? Are there any restrictions?
When you search our library database online and find the book you want to borrow is “available”, you can click “Online Reservation” to submi..<More>
What type of ID is required to apply for a library card?
For personal library card, please present your ROC ID card, driver’s license, or household registration certificate. Mainland China ci..<More>
What type of ID does an underage visitor need to present when borrowing books?
Underage visitors (visitors age 14 or less or without a ROC ID) must present their household registration certificate and an ID from their l..<More>
Can I borrow periodicals (magazines)?
Periodicals at the Main Library cannot be checked out. However, some past issues at branch libraries can be borrowed. For detailed informati..<More>
How many periodicals (magazines) can I borrow?
Due to the limited quantity of borrowable periodicals at each branch library and their timely content, personal library card holders can bor..<More>
What type of ID do I need to sign up or reserve a computer?
A library card, ROC ID/ARC, driver’s license or NHI card is accepted.
How can I use the library computer?
Present a library card (or ROC ID/ARC, driver’s license, NHI card) to our staff. Each session is limited to 30 minutes.
How many days do I have to complete the borrowing procedure of a book that I reserved online after receiving an email notice from the library?
Within 7 days.