The shortlisted work "Pineapple God" of "KPL Picture Books Sprouting Awards" was created by the writer Eko (real name: Wang Pei-hsin). She took a picture book creation class organized by the Kaohsiung Public Library. Through Picture Book Talents Cultivation Project and the recommendation of Kaohsiung Public Library, China Times Publishing Company decided to publish her book. This was also her first published picture book in her career as an author and illustrator. Her first new book sharing event in Taiwan was held at Kaohsiung Main Public Library. The author personally hosted the wonderful activities, guided reading, and canvas tote bag silk screen printing, leading readers of all ages to enter the imaginary world of picture books!
The story of "Pineapple God" was inspired by the common religious fraud cases in Taiwan, and has been carefully transformed into an interesting fairy tale and fable. The author Eko is a local picture book author in Kaohsiung. She vividly shared the birth process of the picture book at the new book launch. Ever since attending the picture book creation class organized by the Kaohsiung Main Public Library in 2022, many strange ideas in her mind could finally be presented in the story, so she decided to devote herself to the creation of picture books. The class assignment "Pineapple God" was gradually completed under the guidance of her lecturer. Last year, it was shortlisted for KPL Picture Books Sprouting Awards, the unpublished picturebook showcase of dpiCTUS, and Hsin Yi Children's Literature Awards.
The "Pineapple God" in the story was just an ordinary "pineapple" at first. It all started after he fell into a small temple. Unexpectedly, all the little animals who made wishes to the pineapple had their wishes come true! More and more small animals came to make wishes, so the pineapple became the God of Pineapple, and the small temple became a big temple. After reading the book, Liu Hsu-kung, a picture book writer, who used to be the tutor of Picture Books Sprouting creation class, happily shared: "This book is very funny!"
It reminds me of praying in temples and visiting night markets when I was a kid. Guo Nai-wen, a picture book writer, also recommended this book. He said that this book depicts people's blind obedience in a relaxing way instead of preaching. Through this picture book, you can also read and discuss with children about the purpose of faith, blind belief, and the desire to make a wish come true by just praying.
Lin Yi-cheng, acting director of Kaohsiung Public Library, said that for four years "Pineapple God" is the first student work that has been shortlisted and published, which allows more people to read original Taiwanese stories and gives the greatest affirmation to "KPL Picture Books Sprouting Awards."
Kaohsiung Public Library will purchase more than 100 copies of "Pineapple God" as part of its collection to support local picture book authors, so that more readers can go to Kaohsiung library branches to read good stories that sprout from Kaohsiung. From now until April 30, the original picture book of "Pineapple God" will also be exhibited on the 3rd floor of Kaohsiung Main Public Library. You are welcome to see the details of the original work and explore the exciting story. The picture books which originated in Kaohsiung can be promoted to Taiwan and even the whole world. For more detailed information, please check the official website of Kaohsiung Public Library.
This exhibition collected 8 original color illustrations of the picture book "Pineapple God," and the discussion includes the topics such as "the purpose of faith", "blind belief", and "the desire to make a wish come true by just praying."
Readers can see how the author transformed the religious frauds into a humorous picture book from the exhibition, and help children know about those social issues through the fable.
Group photo of the event.
Young readers asked the author to sign her name.
Parents and children enjoyed the silk screen printing experience to print "Pineapple God" on a canvas tote bag.
Parents and children together experience the details of the wonderful original picture book.
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- Updated2023-03-28 PM 04:08:27